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Dr Belofastov brings to the service a range of clinical experiences with both men and women presenting with a broad range of mental health issues from depression and anxiety, to psychosis and personality disorders. In recent years, she has also specialised in the treatment of trauma including PTSD. Initially trained in Australia, Dr Belofastov also has experience working in the UK, and has been employed in both general psychiatric and forensic settings. Her guiding ethos is that all people have what it takes to live more fully according to their values and improve relationships. At different points in our lives, professional guidance can be invaluable as we encounter difficulties along this journey.

Dr Aleksandra Belofastov (MAPS)
BAppSc (Hons), DPsych-Clinical

Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA):
Psychologist with General Registration and Endorsement (Clinical & Forensic Psychology) since 19.12.2010.

Victorian Registration Board of Australia:
Full registration since 21.02.2005.

Australian Psychological Society (APS):
Member since 23.03.2005.

APS College of Clinical Psychologists:
Member since 23.03.2005.

APS College of Forensic Psychologists:
Member since 28.05.2010.

1999–2004: Doctor of Psychology (in Clinical Psychology with Forensic specialisation). Monash University, Victoria, Australia.
— Admitted to the degree of the Doctor of Psychology on 23.11.2004.

1995–1999: Bachelor of Applied Science (Disability Studies) with 1st Class Honours. Deakin University, Victoria, Australia.
— Admitted to the degree of the Bachelor of Applied Science on 19.05.1999.

1989–1994: Bachelor of Arts with a major in English Literature. La Trobe University, Victoria, Australia.
— Admitted to the degree of the Bachelor of Arts on 12.05.1994.

Gee, D.G. & Belofastov, A. (2007) Profiling Sexual Fantasy: Fantasy in Sexual Offending and the Implications for Criminal Profiling. In R. N. Kocsis (ed.) Criminal Profiling: International Theory, Practice, and Research. Humana Press Inc.: Totowa, NJ pp. 49-71.

Belofastov, A. (2006). Listening to Voices: Learning from the Experiences of Voice Hearers. Paper co-presentation (with Dr Mark Hayward) at Blenheim Healthcare Seminars. Thatcham, UK, 28 July 2006.

Gee, D.G., Ward, T., Belofastov, A. & Beech, T. (2006). The structural properties of sexual fantasies for sexual offenders: A preliminary model. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 12, 213-226.

Belofastov, A. (2005). Hearing voices: A study of verbal auditory hallucinations using grounded theory analysis. Poster presented at the XXXV Annual Conference of the European Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapy. Thessaloniki, Greece, 23 September 2005.

Belofastov, A. (2004). Hearing voices: A study of verbal auditory hallucinations using grounded theory analysis. Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the Doctor of Psychology-Clinical program. Monash University, Victoria: Australia.

Belofastov, A. (2000). CBT for OCD: N=1 case study. Poster presented at the Australian Association of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (AACBT) National State Conference. Deakin University, Victoria: Australia.

Belofastov, A. (1998). General practitioner treatment of schizophrenia: Training, experience, knowledge of neuroleptics, and prescribing behaviour. Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the Bachelor of Applied Science (Disability Studies). Deakin University, Victoria: Australia.

Gee, D.G. & Belofastov, A. (2014). Crime Linkage Through Sexual Fantasy: The role of sexual fantasy in offence plasticity. In C. Bennell & J. Woodhams (eds.) Crime Linkage: Theory, Research and Practice. CRC Press/Taylor Francis.