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Since 2000 Dr Gee has specialised in forensic mental health within Australia and the UK; where he received post-doctoral training in the assessment and risk management of diverse offender populations and, interventions for sexually aberrant/violent behaviour. More recently, his employment requires the assessment and intervention of mental health issues within Corrections Victoria, and the writing of legal reports at all levels of the Victorian judicial system (including the Parole Board and Child Protection Services - Department of Human Services). Dr Gee's areas of expertise include the assessment and risk management of sexual and violent offenders, offenders with personality disorders, intellectually disabled offender, and offenders presenting with impaired mental functioning. He has published a number of papers in the area.

Dr Dion Gee (MAPS)
BSc, MSc (Hons), DPsych-Forensic

Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA):
Psychologist with General Registration and Endorsement (Forensic Psychology) since 19.12.2010.

Approved Supervisor for the Psychology Board of Australia (PBA):
Approval in full since 22.05.2013.

Approved Supervisor of Psychiatric Registrars (RANZCP):
The Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Psychiatrists since 2012.

Victorian Registration Board of Australia:
Full registration since 29.06.2000 (probationary registration from 15.07.1998).

Australian Psychological Society (APS):
Member since 01.06.2009.

APS College of Forensic Psychologists:
Member since 21.08.2009.

British Psychological Society (BPS):
Member from 05.07.2002 - 01.06.2008.


Dr Gee has received specialist training in the assessment, formulation, and treatment of individuals who have committed sexually aberrant and/or violent behaviours. He also has training in, and experience using of a number of best-practice Structured Professional Judgment (SPJ) guidelines/risk management tools including:


Historical Clinical Risk-20 (HCR-20:v3 & HCR-20:v2/v3)
Hare Psychopathy Check List (PCL)
Sexual Violence Risk-20 (SVR-20)
Risk of Sexual Violence Protocol (RSVP & RSVP:V2)
Promoting Risk Intervention by Situational Management (PRISM)
Short-Term Assessment of Risk and Treatability (START)
Stalking Assessment and Management (SAM)
Suicidal Behaviours Risk Evaluation (SBRE)
Spousal Assault Risk Assessment Guide (SARA: v2/v3)
Stalking Risk Profile (SRP)
Assessment of Risk & Manageability of Intellectually Disabled Individuals who Offend (ARMIDILO)
Structured Assessment of PROtective Factors for violence risk (SAPROF)
Level of Service: Risk, Need, Responsivity (LS/RNR)
Child Pornography Offender Risk Tool (CPORT/CASIC)
Trainer for the Level of Service: Risk, Need, Responsivity (LS/RNR)


2011 - Current: Australasian Psychology Services
Position: Director.
2014 - 2022: Swinburne University of Technology (Faculty of Health, Arts and Design)
Position: Adjunct Clinical Associate.

2015 - 2020: Forensicare - Prison, Community & Hospital Services
Position: Strategic Advisor (Prisons) & Principal Psychologist.

2008 - 2020: Forensicare - Custody Court Report Service
Position: Senior Psychologist.
The role involved writing psychological reports at the request of the various Courts of Victoria (Magistrates' Court, County Court, Supreme Court) the Adult Parole Board, and Child Protection Services - Department of Human Services). Generally, assessments involve those individuals with more complex presentations/multiple needs; including cognitive impairment, acquired brain injury, mental illness, addictions, personality disorder, and offending behaviour.

2008 - 2015: Forensicare - Acute Assessment Unit (AAU)
Position: Senior Psychologist.
The AAU is a 16-bed unit within the Melbourne Assessment Prison responsible for providing statewide assessment and acute intervention services for adult male prisoners presenting with impaired mental functioning in custodial settings. The unit is also the gateway to/from the adult male forensic mental health hospital in Victoria. The role includes clinical (i.e., mental illness, personality disorder, cognitive ability) and forensic (e.g., offending behaviour, various forms of deception) assessments, and intervention; both on the AAU, and through outpatient services to the general prison population.

2003 - 2008: Thornford Park Hospital - Priory Secure Services
Position: Chartered Forensic Psychologist.
Thornford Park Hospital is a secure mental health facility in England that provides inpatient services for men and women (18+) detained under the Mental Health Act 1983 (UK), whose offending falls on the more extreme end of the behaviour spectrum. The role included: Psychological assessment, intervention, and risk management planning; clinical supervision; secondary consultation with staff around psychological intervention/risk management; and, staff training. Reports were prepared for, and evidence presented at, Mental Health Review Tribunals. Service development included: the construction of a general risk management tool (B-RAM); developing a proposal around service provision for sexual offenders with personality disorders and/or mental illness detained in secure settings; and, participation in the risk management group within the hospital.

2001 - 2002: Australian Community Support Organisation
Position: Consultant Psychologist (Forensic).
ACSO provides intervention and residential programs/outreach for: intellectual disabled residents (some of whom have committed sexual and/or non-sexual offences); clients with a dual diagnosis (e.g. intellectual disability and mental illness); and, adolescents who present with challenging behaviours. Responsibilities included: primary/secondary consultation of clients, consulting on environmental and client management within residential units, one-to-one anger management/ behavioural interventions, and the implementation of staff training packages.

2001 - 2002: Australian Community Support Organisation
Position: Project Officer.
Responsibilities included: evaluating the training needs of employees and developing a staff training package; advising management on best practice intervention philosophies for residents and intellectual disabled offenders; developing an intake assessment protocol; establishing a research focus within the organization; and, developing a child abuse & neglect policy.

1998 - 2000: Victorian Offender Support Agency
Position: Intellectual Disability Support Officer.
VOSA provided 24-hour, staffed residential services for clients with intellectual disabilities who had come in contact with the criminal justice system. The focus was on independent living skills training, rehabilitation, and relapse prevention. Responsibilities included: participation in all activities of daily living and recreation, accompanying residents to programs, liaising with organizations and agencies involved with offender populations, and overseeing life-skills programs.

2000 - Current: Professional consultation in the form of Court reports, Expert opinion and Supervision relating to forensic psychology/forensic mental health.

North Harbour Chambers.
Investigation Management Consultancy.
West Auckland Law Office.

1998 - 2000: Doctor of Psychology (Forensic). University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
— Admitted to the degree of the Doctor of Psychology on 01.12.2001.

1995 - 1997: Master of Science (1st Class Honours in Psychology). University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.
— Admitted to the degree of the Master of Science on 04.03.1998.

1991 - 1994: Bachelor of Science (major in psychology). University of Auckland, New Zealand.
— Admitted to the degree of the Bachelor of Science on 06.05.1994.

Gee, D. G. (2014). Custodial Mental Healthcare in Victoria: Extending Services for Adult Male Prisoners. Presentation at the 5th Annual Correctional Services Healthcare Summit 2014: Addressing the gaps, promoting multidisciplinary care & improving the continuum of care into the community. Novotel Melbourne on Collins, Melbourne (VIC), 28-29th August 2014.
Gee, D. G. & Belofastov, A. (2014). Sex Crime Linkage: Sexual fantasy & offence plasticity. In C. Bennell & J. Woodhams (eds.) Crime Linkage: Theory, Research and Practice. CRC Press/Taylor Francis.
Gee, D. G. & Ogloff, J. R. P. (2014). Sentencing Offenders with Impaired Mental Functioning: R v Verdins, Buckley and Vo [2007] at the Clinical Coalface. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 21, 1 pp. 46-66.
Gee, D. G. (2013) Court Reports in the Verdins era. Presentation for the APS College of Forensic Psychologists: Forensic report writing - What not to do! Thomas Embling Hospital, Fairfield (VIC), 5th March 2013.
Gee, D. G. & Logan, C. (2007). Multidisciplinary risk management planning: The impacts of group process on structured professional judgment. Paper presented at the 7th annual conference of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services. Montréal, Canada 26-28 June 2007.
Gee, D. G. & Belofastov, A. (2007). Profiling Sexual Fantasy: Fantasy in Sexual Offending and the Implications for Criminal Profiling. In R. N. Kocsis (ed.) Criminal Profiling: International Theory, Practice, and Research. Humana Press: Totowa, NJ, pp. 49-71.
Gee, D. G., Ward, T., Belofastov, A. & Beech, T. (2006). The structural properties of sexual fantasies for sexual offenders: A preliminary model. J. of Sex. Aggress. 12, 213-226.
Gee, D. G., Devilly, G. & Ward, T. (2004). The content of sexual fantasies for sexual offenders. Sexual Abuse: Res. Treat. 16, 315-331.
Gee, D. G., Ward, T. & Eccelston, L. (2003). The function of sexual fantasies for sexual offenders: a preliminary model. Behaviour Change, 20, 44-60.
Gee, D. G. (2001). Fantasy and sexual offending: A grounded theory analysis. Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the Doctor of Psychology-Forensic program. Melbourne University, Victoria: Australia. - Supervised by Prof. Tony Ward.
Gee, D. G. (1997). Child Sex Offender Treatment: The effects of voluntary exclusion. Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the Master of Psychology degree. University of Canterbury, Christchurch: New Zealand. - Supervised by Assoc. Prof. Steve Hudson.

To obtain a PDF version of Dr. Gee's Curriculum Vitae please click here